June 16, 2009

Today is June 16. 2009. My NST with you last week went perfect as usual. Your heartbeat sounds wonderful. The nurses still question why I need to come in once a week when my pregnancy is going so smoothly. Well, it's just protocol when you're over 35 years of age. I don't mind. I love hearing your heartbeat. It's a sound I can get used to for the rest of my life.

Dr. Jamal gave me another shot of lidocaine today in my back. I feel so much better after that shot. The nerve pain in my back disappears and I can just enjoy being pregnant with you. I feel you kick all the time now. I've had people touch my belly and they can feel you too. It's so amazing. You are so alive and beautiful. Soon Anna, you will be in my arms and we will meet. I can't begin to tell you how much my love grows for you every day. xo


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